Registration Please use N/A in fields you don't know or don't have an answer Title * MrMrsMissMsOther Surname * Forenames * Mother's Maiden Name (full name at birth) Any Other Names Marital Status * MarriedSingleDivorcedWidow/Widower Date of Birth * Age * House / Flat No. - Road * Town * City / County * Postcode * Home Phone Mobile * Email * Nationality * National Insurance Number * Are you an EU citizen? * yesno Have you applied for settlement status in the UK? * yesno If yes, please tell us the date when you applied: What is your current settlement status in the UK? * approvedappliednot appliedin progress What is your current status in the UK? * workingstudentvisiting familycareerunemployedother Are you legally entitled to work in the UK? * yesno Are you a registered student in the UK? * (A college letter confirming term times will be required) yesno Are you a non UK or EU passport holder? * yesno Passport Expiry Date VISA / Permit type VISA / Permit expiry date Do you hold a driving license? * yesno Do you own / have access to a car? * yesno Method of transport to work location * carmotorcyclebikepublic transporton foot On what days are you able to work? * any dayweek days onlyweekends only MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Preferred shift pattern * DaysNightsWeekendsAny Have you worked for any other recruitment agencies? * yesno If yes, please list the agencies you have worked for *